Thank you kindly for visiting my Internet project. I would like to invite you to come discover with me how the universe is created at the very smallest of scales – the creation of elementary particles and fundamental forces, the building blocks of matter.
- Norbert Winter, born 1942, raised in Göttingen
- Studied Physics at the Universities of Heidelberg and Munich
- Doctorate in Physics with a thesis on elementary particle theory
- Employed at the Max-Planck Institute for Physics in Munich
- 1974-2006, change of career into the insurance industry, including 25 years as board member or chairman of various insurance companies
- From 2006, intensive engagement with questions of logic and physics
- From 2008, concrete and targeted development of the following works
06.09.2018 UC-6 The complete list of all elementary particles of the entire Universe and the complete process chain and causal structure in the creation and evolution of the Universe from its beginning to today (UC-6) (english) Download
16.02.2018 UC-4 Der Universums-Code Ψ-19 – Das Erzeugungssystem:
- der Urknall-Produktionskaskade
- des Frühst-Universums direkt nach dem Urknall
- der Dunklen Materie- sowie der Normale Materie-Elementarteilchen
(UC-4) (german) Download
16.02.2018 UC-4 The Universe Code Ψ-19 – The creation system:
- of the Big Bang Reproduction Cascade
- of the elementary particles of Dark Matter and Normal Matter
(UC-4) (english) Download
19.04.2013 Materie, Logik und Existenz -Ergänzung-
- Das hochmassive skalare starke Boson
- Die systemische Erzeugungs- struktur der Elementarteilchen
- Die charakteristische Grenz- energie der Gravitation
(HSB) (german) Download
If you have any questions or criticism, or if you wish to engage in discussion, I would be delighted to hear from you: info@norbert-winter.com Responsible for content: Dr. Norbert Winter Maria-Louisen-Str. 109 22301 Hamburg info@norbert-winter.com Disclaimer: The content of this web project is carefully maintained, and correct to the best of our knowledge. However, we do not provide any guarantee of completeness, quality or correctness for the material available here, nor any guarantee that the material is up-to-date. We cannot be held responsible for any damages that may occur from the usage of the material on this website, or reliance on the information contained therein. This site is subject to the following disclaimer: http://www.disclaimer.de/disclaimer.htm Desktop publishing of documents, web design & web development Indra Siemsen, www.pixylon.de